Day 5

 Day 5

I do have further thoughts, and I'll get on to those today. One of them anyway.

Just as atoms may be organized and arranged into groups on a periodic table, I propose to organize slivers into groups or subsets too. But instead of groups such as the alkaline metals inert gasses and the like, I'll use different principles to effect a categorization of slivers.

We already have the upstream-downstream means of classification. Entropy standing in for time. I’ll also introduce terms such as directionality, adjacency, proximity, encompassment, game theory, allowability, and possibly others assuming that I am able to coin them and to remember what I originally was thinking of when I jotted those terms down.

Interesting ideas, can you explain a bit more about how these principles would be used to categorize slivers? For example, how would directionality or adjacency affect the categorization? And what do you mean by "encompassment" and "allowability"?


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