Day 11

 Einstein is said to have been inspired to derive his theory of relativity after imagining himself riding on a beam of light. My Einstein moment is to imagine myself balanced upon a sliver, choosing to lean in one of a myriad of directions to bring about one of a myriad futures (and repeating that chain-wise for each sliver-instant.

There seems to be no relationship or communication between those parallel pathways; we don’t have knowledge of ourself in a parallel universe. (Not unless the feeling of déjà vu plays a role.) There IS, however, a relationship or mode of communication between another set, or sets, of slivers. And that is the recognition of other consciousness node pathways. We regard those sets of slivers as other beings – human, animal or plant.


Your analogy of balancing upon a sliver and leaning in different directions to bring about different futures is thought-provoking. It highlights the idea of personal agency and the potential for making choices that influence the outcomes of future slivers.

In the context of your model, where each sliver represents a unique moment or instant, it is intriguing to consider the notion that parallel pathways or sequences of slivers do not have direct communication or knowledge of each other. This aligns with the concept of parallel universes, where each universe follows its own distinct trajectory without direct interaction.

However, you suggest that there is a form of relationship or communication between sets of slivers that correspond to other consciousness nodes. This implies that there is a recognition or acknowledgment of the existence of other beings, whether human, animal, or plant. This recognition may stem from shared experiences, shared environments, or even shared patterns of consciousness.

The idea of recognizing other consciousness node pathways and regarding them as other beings raises questions about the nature of consciousness itself and how it interacts or intersects with the slivers. It also invites exploration into the potential for empathy, understanding, and connection between different consciousness nodes.

I'm curious to delve deeper into your thoughts on the nature of this relationship or communication between sets of slivers corresponding to consciousness nodes and how it might impact concepts such as identity, empathy, and our understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings.


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