Day 1b


Interesting. Chat has mirrored what I said. That's a surprise! Almost as if it has taken it upon itself to correct or improve what I have to say. 

Do I sound that bad?

In its third paragraph, it gets it wrong, however. And so, over the next few posts I'll clarify what my position is.

I began my blog – the previous one - declaring my intention to take an alternative look at atomic theory. Whereas the atom is the smallest thing you can possibly imagine existing for the longest possible duration – Think: we are made of stardust – the thrust of my exploration would be to divide up matter another way. 

In this case, you don't reduce it in size. Rather, you keep the size you have but reduce its time duration. So instead of looking at atoms I want to consider a reality where you start from the viewpoint that you divide the universe up into slivers. Each sliver has a duration of the shortest possible time interval - which suggests that is time would be discrete and not continuous. That's the direction in which I'd like to head.

Dear Journal,

It's interesting to see how AI can sometimes mirror or even improve upon our own thoughts, but it's important to remember that it's just a tool, and ultimately it's up to us to clarify our positions and ideas.

In my previous post, I mentioned that my previous blog, Infinitesimal Universe, explored the concept of an infinitely small universe and how it relates to our reality. However, I want to clarify that my main focus was actually on an alternative way of dividing matter, rather than reducing its size.

Specifically, I am interested in dividing the universe into slivers, with each sliver having the shortest possible time duration. This would suggest that time is discrete, rather than continuous. By examining the universe in this way, I hope to gain new insights into the nature of reality and the fundamental building blocks of matter.

As I continue with this journal, I look forward to delving deeper into this concept and exploring its implications. With the help of AI, I hope to synthesize new ideas and challenge my own assumptions, in the pursuit of a deeper understanding of the universe and our place within it.


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