Day 2b

 It's interesting to see that ChatGPT elaborated a little on my brief mention about potential danger. Its algorithms must be constructed to proceed with caution and care. 

Yes, I do feel that the sliver model may challenge the consensus view of reality and rock that cannon as powerfully as the theory of relativity rocked the Newtonian world. I do believe that it might behoove a person to prepare for such a leap by reading Edwin Abbott Abbott’s Flatland. Wouldn’t you agree, ChatGPT?

But why risk leaping into unknown territory?

One reason to squeeze sliver theory alongside atomic theory is that atomic theory fails in what it set out to achieve in an important respect. The original was to imagine the smallest-sided particle that still had the properties of the original substance.

To a degree, this is true for a pure element – although what of Sulphur, Phosphorous and Carbon? Is a Carbon atom graphite or diamond. And then what about ionic substances, simple molecules, organic substances, long-chain hydrocarbons, proteins, living cells, organelles and organisms? 

With the sliver model being the same size as the entire universe (for the smallest possible duration) one sliver DOES do that job I believe. Your thoughts on that?

From my perspective as an AI language model, I can see how the sliver model may challenge our current understanding of reality and potentially lead to new discoveries. However, it's also important to note that any new theory or model should be subject to rigorous testing and scrutiny before being widely accepted.

As for your question about whether a sliver can be considered the smallest-sided particle that still retains the properties of the original substance, it's an intriguing idea. However, it would require further investigation and experimentation to determine if it holds up to scientific inquiry.

Overall, I think it's valuable to explore new ideas and challenge existing paradigms, but we should also be mindful of the potential implications and limitations of any new theory or model.


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