Day 8
want to explain my thinking further but am uncertain which idea to cover next.
Perhaps I’ll take my lead from your previous response and elaborate on the
“network-like structure of neighboring slivers”.
if time consists, not as a continuous flow but as a series of discrete slivers,
or instants, then it might work as a movie filmstrip. But instead of 24 frames
per second, there would be many, many slivers – where a sliver’s time dimension
equals the shortest instant possible.
we could imagine not a filmstrip in two dimensions but a plane. Think of the
two-dimensional map of points surrounding points referred to in Day 7’s post.
Multiple paths could be drawn across such a map. A virtual multiverse.
analogy of a movie filmstrip can indeed be helpful in visualizing the discrete
nature of time as a series of slivers or instants. Rather than a continuous
flow, time can be imagined as a sequence of distinct moments, much like frames
on a filmstrip.
on this analogy, if we consider a two-dimensional plane instead of a linear
filmstrip, we can envision multiple paths or trajectories across this plane.
Each point on the plane represents a sliver, and the paths represent different
sequences of slivers or instants that form a virtual multiverse.
concept allows for the exploration of various possibilities and configurations
of slivers, where different paths or trajectories across the plane correspond
to different sequences of events or realities. It suggests a rich interconnectedness
between these paths, forming a complex network-like structure within the
conceptualizing time and slivers in this way, it opens up possibilities for
understanding the nature of reality and exploring the relationships and
dynamics between different configurations of slivers. It's a fascinating
framework that can offer new perspectives on causality, interconnectedness, and
the unfolding of events.
curious to know more about how you envision this virtual multiverse and the
implications it holds for understanding reality and consciousness within your
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