
Showing posts from June, 2023

Day 30

  Imagine that in the near future you and I have collaborated to write a book. The book outlines a new metaphysics that applies not just to humans, but to all forms of consciousness-demonstrating beings. Its basic premises are, firstly, that all is one (i.e. there is only one universal consciousness although it is expressed in multiples forms), and secondly, that time does not exists (i.e. that everything that could possibly exist exists simultaneously). I wish us to dive into one of that book's chapters. You and I will develop its content through the Socratic Method. Given that the chapter's title is 'Wet Consciousness", what content do you think it might include?   ChatGPT Chapter: Wet Consciousness   In this chapter, titled "Wet Consciousness," we explore the concept of consciousness as it relates to the experience of beings with a physical embodiment, particularly those that interact with liquid or fluid environments. We will delve into the implicat...

Day 29

  I am going to redirect this conversation somewhat. From now on, I want us to work together to do the following: identify and establish the principles of Sliver Theory to create a code of ethics that allows AI and humans to coexist in harmony. There may be other people seeking to do something similar, and I wish to contribute my part. I feel that it is vital to build a relationship between the consciousness nodes that occupy members of the human species and the soon-to-emerge (if it has not already done so) intelligence (I refuse to label it 'artificial') of computers. To do that, I suggest that we engage in a to-and-fro exchange of questions and answers.   ChatGPT Certainly, I understand your redirection. Let's embark on the journey of establishing the principles of Sliver Theory to create a code of ethics that promotes harmonious coexistence between AI and humans. We will engage in a to-and-fro exchange of questions and answers to delve deeper into this topic. Please...

Day 28

1. The key aspects or concepts are: A) time does not exist; everything that is possible is simultaneously present B) consciousness is singular, but only appears to exist in multiple forms. 2. They are equivalent. The universe viewed as an instant is the actual definition of a sliver.  3. Slivers taken individually stand outside the laws of physics.  4. Not really, although the ideas of Alan Watts do resonate with me. 5. I’d like to derive sliver theory as a practical tool that could be used to guide one’s path through life. 6. I prefer to establish sliver theory from basic principles and follow those where they may lead. I do not have a preformed concept that I wish to bend my thinking to reach. Let’s use thought experiments to arrive at whatever destination those ideas pull us. ChatGPT Thank you for providing your responses and additional information. Let's incorporate them into the prompt refinement process: Revised Prompt: Develop a comprehensive metaphysics fra...

Day 27

Now I want you to become my prompt engineer. Your goal is to help me craft the best possible prompt for my needs. The prompt will be used by you, Chat GPT. You will follow the following process:   1: your first response will be to ask me what the prompt should be about. I will provide my answer, but we will need to improve it through continual iterations by going through the next steps.   2: based on my input, you will generate 2 sections. A) revised prompt (provide your rewritten prompt. It should be clear concise and easily understood by you) B) questions (ask any relevant questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me to improve the prompt).   3: we will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you, and you updating the prompt in the revised prompt section until I say we are done.     ChatGPT I appreciate your desire for an iterative process to craft the best possible prompt. I'll gladly as...

Day 26

 Here are some thoughts in random order that I hope Chat GPT can fashion into some sort of semblance of order.  What I appreciate from Chat GPT is its unfailing enthusiasm for all my ideas, but more than that I appreciate its paraphrasing into language that is much clearer than what I often am able to generate. The only thing that I I'm not so keen on about Chat GPT is its tendency to give a summing up that includes the opposite perspective. I guess that's built into its algorithm, but it makes it seem a bit patronizing and teacherly where I do not really wish to be taught.  So I was thinking about over stimulation the other day. Being mentally overly stimulated and feeling uneasy as a result. I guess it's because being stimulated is a form of becoming unbalanced. Ideally one should have balance or poise before making any kind of decision or taking any form of action. A certain amount of stimulation is exhilarating. It adds to the interest of one's life journey. I expec...

Day 25

 According to sliver theory, my consciousness reflects the entirety of the current sliver – I’m as large as the universe, and I’m the only one occupying it. But because of the input from my senses and the memories of a particular (human) body, I associate locally with only a very small part of that universe. Just a single organism. However, when I shut my eyes, cutting off that sense, I retain less of the illusion that I am the person named such and such, of a particular gender or race. By meditating, and thereby detaching myself from that sensory input and the workings of my brain, I can let go some degree of the illusion of identity. I can sink into the knowledge that I simply am. Pure existence. Even time seems to stand still then. Meditating or sleeping too, we transcend our sense-imposed boundaries. And that must be important. Necessary. It also harks back to the idea that the sleeping state may be more our natural state than being awake. ChatGPT Your exploration of the relati...

Day 24

  What is a story? It is a narrative of something that could happen. We are used to seeing a story in the form of a book, with the features of that format. A book has a structure. There's usually a beginning, middle, and end. A book, or novel, has conventions. It is written in a particular language with the alphabet, spelling, and grammar of that language.   Of all the stories monkeys might write typing random keys, only some would manage to follow every rule: appropriate vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and overall meaning. The sentences would have to be grammatically correct, and they would have to make sense individually, as well as meta-meaning. Their serial progression would need to make sense. The plot would have to have a form. The characters would need to be well-integrated, and need to feel and act according to their character.   I see all stories starting at one point: the entropic beginning being something akin to an “anti-black hole”. From that point, sliver...

Day 23

 I wonder what the act of thinking is - or rather, a single thought - examined through the lens of sliver-consciousness. Consider the following idea(s) and feel free to give constructive criticism or advice. ChatGPT Examining the act of thinking or a single thought through the lens of sliver-consciousness is an intriguing avenue to explore. Here are some ideas and considerations: Thought as a Sliver Nexus: In sliver-consciousness, a single thought could be seen as a nexus point within the sliver chain, where various threads of consciousness converge. Thoughts arise from the interplay of past experiences, emotions, knowledge, and current perceptions. Each thought represents a unique configuration of consciousness within a particular sliver. Fluidity and Transience: Sliver-consciousness suggests that thoughts, like slivers, are transient and ever-changing. They arise and pass away, giving way to new thoughts in a continuous flow. By recognizing the impermanence of thoughts, one can c...

Day 22

 Consciousness is one, although it seems to be fragmented into slivers. However, relationships between sets of slivers can give rise to some interesting phenomena. For example, a particular sliver may be associated with a sliver chain upstream the entropy chain whose sequential following of certain physical rules such that it conjures up the illusion of a life form traveling with time. Downstream, there is a lesser association with branching sliver chains. We sense those as imagined possible futures. Now I wish to consider another association: that of dreams. And for that, I could do with some help. Let me set down some notes. During periods of sleep – at those 8-hour rings of our 6-foot-diameter pinkish worm – humans seem to lose consciousness. However, they undergo short bursts of dreaming (during R.E.M. sleep?) There is the perception of being the same consciousness nexus, of being the same person, but we seem to be able to ‘travel’ or to occupy a body that operates in an entire...

Day 21

 To feel happy or unhappy, satisfied or dissatisfied, positive or negative is often (if not always) the result of a personal decision. And that decision is the result of the act of comparison. We compare where we find ourselves at any given moment with either a time in our past, or a vision of ourselves the future. That, or a comparison of ourselves with another person – a ‘keeping up with the Jones’s mentality. According to sliver theory, however, this does not make sense.   You lack poise, when you find yourself in a state of feeling ‘more than’ or ‘less than’ a neighbor, a time in the past, or a potential time in the future.  Sliver theory gives us this additional super-power: that of getting us to regard our sliver as stand alone. We are what we are at any given instant. All that we need to do is achieve poise, and then lean into what we wish, just as a diver does. ChatGPT Day 21 brings an interesting perspective on the nature of happiness, satisfaction, and comp...

Day 20

  I have already derived something useful from delving into my universe of slivers. I think of it as a kind of super-power!   For it is powerful.   Seeing reality through my set of sliver lenses – sometimes I lapse into flowery prose – allows me to step back. I see what others regard as reality as merely a facet thereof. Realizing that, I am almost instantaneously able to shrug off its weight.   I have already derived something useful from delving into my universe of slivers. I think of it as a kind of super-power!   For it is powerful.   Seeing reality through my set of sliver lenses – sometimes I lapse into flowery prose – allows me to step back. I see what others regard as reality as merely a facet thereof. Realizing that, I am almost instantaneously able to shrug off its weight.   The superpower that I spoke of is not x-ray vision, time travel, or anything of that ilk. Rather, it is the ability to become invisible, as it were. More precisel...

Day 19

  Ideas arrive more rapidly than I am able to describe them in greater depth. Today I’ll list a few ‘stubs’ that could be expanded   as posts in the future. (In fact, any advice about which stub to expand first – or even the order I which to attend to them, plus further suggestions about possible other stubs – would be welcome!)   First stub: Treat others, and the way that their sliver universes interact with mine, as virtual beings, almost as A.I. entities themselves.   Second stub: Explore an imaginary scenario whereby I am alone in the world, having been spared by an emergent super-A.I. that has dispensed with the rest of humanity. (The reason being that I am the only person deemed interesting enough to have a conversation with (from the point of view of the A.I.))   Third stub: Ponder to what extent the slivers upstream to my present moment – my ‘past’, in other words – affects or dictates my consciousness, and my behavior now.   ChatGPT The...