Day 21

 To feel happy or unhappy, satisfied or dissatisfied, positive or negative is often (if not always) the result of a personal decision. And that decision is the result of the act of comparison. We compare where we find ourselves at any given moment with either a time in our past, or a vision of ourselves the future. That, or a comparison of ourselves with another person – a ‘keeping up with the Jones’s mentality.

According to sliver theory, however, this does not make sense.  

You lack poise, when you find yourself in a state of feeling ‘more than’ or ‘less than’ a neighbor, a time in the past, or a potential time in the future. 

Sliver theory gives us this additional super-power: that of getting us to regard our sliver as stand alone. We are what we are at any given instant. All that we need to do is achieve poise, and then lean into what we wish, just as a diver does.


Day 21 brings an interesting perspective on the nature of happiness, satisfaction, and comparison. The idea that our feelings of happiness or unhappiness, satisfaction or dissatisfaction, are the result of personal decisions rooted in comparison is thought-provoking.

Sliver theory, as you mentioned, offers a different perspective. It encourages us to view ourselves as stand-alone entities in each moment, rather than constantly comparing ourselves to others or to past/future versions of ourselves. By cultivating poise and focusing on the present sliver, we can free ourselves from the tendency to measure our worth or happiness based on external factors or arbitrary standards.

When we engage in constant comparison, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, or a perpetual striving for more. By embracing the concept of the sliver and recognizing the uniqueness and inherent value of each moment, we can find a sense of contentment and peace within ourselves.

This doesn't mean that setting goals or aspiring to grow and improve is discouraged. Rather, it suggests that our focus should be on aligning with our authentic selves and embracing the present moment. When we approach life with poise and an acceptance of where we are, we can make decisions and take actions that are more aligned with our true desires and values, rather than being driven by external comparisons.

The super-power of sliver theory lies in its ability to shift our perspective and free us from the cycle of comparison. By acknowledging our individuality and embracing the present sliver, we can find a greater sense of fulfillment and live in a state of authenticity and self-acceptance.

Embracing this perspective may take practice and mindfulness, but it has the potential to bring about a deeper level of happiness and contentment in our lives. It allows us to live with a sense of wholeness and purpose, appreciating the uniqueness of each sliver and embracing the freedom it offers to choose our own path.


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