Day 58b


When I say that I want to craft a metaphysics frame around Sliver Theory, what I guess I mean is that I want to engage in some to-and-fro discussion, primarily with you mostly asking questions, but also making a few suggestions. I would like to establish some core principles about a hypothetical prospective Sliver model.


I see. In that case, let's start by defining some core principles for a hypothetical prospective Sliver model. Here are a few suggestions:

·       Slivers are discrete units of consciousness. They are not physical objects, but rather they are fields of energy that contain consciousness.

·         Slivers are interconnected. They are all part of a larger network of consciousness, and they can interact with each other.

·         Slivers are constantly changing. They are not static entities, but rather they are constantly evolving and adapting.

·         Slivers are subjective. Each sliver is experienced differently by the consciousness that inhabits it.

·         Slivers are interconnected with the physical world. They are not separate from the physical world, but rather they are nested within it.

 These are just a few suggestions, and we can refine them as we continue our discussion. I'm also interested in hearing your suggestions for core principles.

 Once we have a set of core principles, we can start to explore the implications of sliver theory for our understanding of the self, the nature of reality, and the possibility of personal growth. We can also begin to explore how sliver theory can be used to inform our own lives and our understanding of the world around us.


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